Urgent Essay Help-What are the marketing implications and what strategies might a marketing manager employ to encourage quicker buying decisions?

Urgent Essay Help-What are the marketing implications and what strategies might a marketing manager employ to encourage quicker buying decisions?

Generally, the more high-dollar and complex the item being sold is, the longer it takes for the sale to be made. The sale of a new commercial jet to an airline company such as U.S. Airways, Delta, or American Airlines can take literally years to be completed. Sales such as these are risky for companies.

The buyers are concerned about many factors, such as the safety, reliability, and efficiency of the planes. They also generally want the jets customized in some way. Consequently, a lot of time and effort is needed to close these deals.

  • Describe the buying decisions behavior(s) in the above scenario, including the major factors that influence this behavior or behaviors.
  • What are the marketing implications and what strategies might a marketing manager employ to encourage quicker buying decisions?
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