Urgent Essay Help-What are the issues and challenges with Circuit City 2018 latest e-commerce initiative?

Urgent Essay Help-What are the issues and challenges with Circuit City 2018 latest e-commerce initiative?

What are the issues and challenges with Circuit City 2018 latest e-commerce initiative?

PMI Code of Conduct and Professional Conduct Analysis

Business:  Kennbuons Health Center is a health facility which offers health services to its clients. Recently. The management of Kennbuons Health Center recommended a project which will infuse the use of artificial intelligence in the provision of its services to the clients. This will ensure that the effectiveness of the services provided is enhanced. Below are the phases of the project.  

Conduct an analysis of the PMI Code of Conduct and Professional Conduct methodology based of the business above .

What is professional responsibility and how is it applied to your selected project?

What are the six basic responsibilities of the “Responsibility to the Profession” section of the PMI Code of Conduct, and how do they apply to your selected project?

What are the five basic responsibilities of the “Responsibility to the Customers and Public” section of the PMI Code of Conduct, and how do they apply to your select project?

Based on additional research, provide a minimum of three types of project violations within the area of your selected project

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