Urgent Essay Help-Website Development Checklist and Report

Urgent Essay Help-Website Development Checklist and Report

Website Development Checklist and Report

According to the old saying, “if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Designing a website is no different. Without a project plan, your project has no direction and has an increased chance of failure.

To assist you with this assignment, refer to your textbook and consider using some of the resources listed in the “Recommended Digital Assets” section of this syllabus or find your own resources and reference materials.

To successfully analyze your client’s needs, you should collect as much information about the project as possible. To assist in your data collection, develop a checklist of at least 20 questions that a website developer should ask when beginning a project. 

Organize your questions into the following categories:

  1. Purpose of the Website
  2. Primary Audience of the Website
  3. Project Members’ Roles and Responsibilities
  4. Preferred Programming Languages
  5. Website Hosting Requirements
    (i.e., backup, bandwidth, databases, disk space (storage), e-mail addresses, mailing lists, monthly cost, MySQL databases, operating system, SSL, startup costs, support).
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