Urgent Essay Help-Thematic Backpack Plan

Urgent Essay Help-Thematic Backpack Plan

Thematic Backpack Plan

As educators, we want to encourage active participation among the diverse and busy families we work with in ways that consider their various structures, needs, lifestyles, and schedules. We teach children about health, wellness, nutrition, and safety in school; however, we want to offer families support for continuing this education in the home. Thematic backpacks, which are sent home with children for a week throughout the year, either on a rotating schedule or a sign-out system, is one idea for how to engage families at home. Thematic backpacks include materials, parent information, games, manipulatives, and other resources all centered on a teacher-created thematic plan to explore the contents in a fun and engaging way at home with the family. Children love these, and family members can be involved in learning at home when it is convenient for them.

Create a plan for the development of a health, wellness, nutrition, and safety unit backpack that you can send home with your families. For this assignment, only the written plan is required; however, you are encouraged to create this resource as you develop the plan. The purpose of the backpack is to encourage families to explore the areas of health, wellness, nutrition, and safety at home.

The requirements for your written plan are as follows:

Introduction letter (no longer than one page):

Explain the purpose of the backpack. This should be written in a family-friendly form and be visually appealing. You may wish to use colored font, graphics, or pictures to set the tone for a fun and engaging experience.

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