Urgent Essay Help-The community education program on colorectal cancer prevention programs that we are submitting for possible external funding needs an evaluation design.

Urgent Essay Help-The community education program on colorectal cancer prevention programs that we are submitting for possible external funding needs an evaluation design.

The community education program on colorectal cancer prevention programs that we are submitting for possible external funding needs an evaluation design.

the concept of Ren, or humanness, is the most important principle in Confucian ethics. This is the idea of treating others with compassion. Ren frames all other virtues (both moral and non-moral).

demonstrate your understanding of Ren and other key concepts of Confucian ethics by choosing one of the following options:

  • Write a Poem
  • Write lyrics and/or record a Song (may be an original tune or a parody)
  • Write a script and/or record a TV or Radio Commercial
  • Create a PowerPoint Presentation
  • Create a Movie Poster
  • Create a Travel Brochure
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