Urgent Essay Help-Government support for exporting sectors

Urgent Essay Help-Government support for exporting sectors

The advantages of this kind of economic development model, putting the country’s products into the international competition, are undoubtedly obvious. Most of the countries using this development model obtained a rapid economic growth, which proves that the view that only import substitution can lead to the development of traditional industries is totally wrong.
Compare simultaneity the two case countries (do not evaluate each country separately) by discussing the following aspects:

Identify in each country the export sectors that present a comparative advantage for your case countries . What is the share of each major sector in the international market?

In each country , identify major industrial products in each country and look at the weight of these products in the total exports. What is the portion of manufactured goods versus raw materials?

To what extent reduced tariff barriers and devaluation of national currency are utilized to boost exports?

What is the government support for exporting sectors (subsidies, credits to export, tax cut ..etc.)?

Does exports companies have a preferential access to the local markets

Discuss whether the two case countries have a deficit or a surplus of the trade balance. Then, see if the industrial exports can cover imports of industrial import needed for industrialization.

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