Urgent Essay Help-Factors and issues impact young children and their families.
Advocating for Children and Families in Your Community societal factors and issues impact young children and their families. Both as a student of child development and in your future role as a professional who works with young children and their families, you have a responsibility to take an advocacy role in addressing these issues with the goal of improving conditions that affect children’s healthy development and learning.
Action Plan Professional Scenario: You have been challenged by a mentor you respect and admire to demonstrate your commitment to young children, their families, and the field of early childhood.
Your mentor asks you to think about the many factors and issues that affect children’s healthy development and learning and choose one that you care about personally, examine the issue in your state, and then identify advocacy strategies you can use to champion this cause. B
fore you develop your Action Plan, consider:
What you need to know to understand the issue you choose
What ideas and advice from experts will be effective in addressing the issue