Urgent Essay Help-Extra Credit

Urgent Essay Help-Extra Credit

Extra Credit

Your job here is to really look for ‘diamonds in the rough’, and hunt for good career opportunities that many others might have missed. (FYI, if you plan to leave San Francisco after you graduate, you can do this same exercise for the area you intend to go to—e.g., Southern California, Thailand, Spain, or wherever you intend to move to. Some steps of this may not apply as easily, however). Directions: Download the excel document entitled ‘SF Company Revenue List’. Take the revenue column, the # of employees column, and create a new column dividing revenue by number of employees. Sort descending. Pick 5 from the top 1,000 in terms of profit per employee, but pick 5 companies that you’ve never heard of. Look them up on LinkedIn, and answer the following:

What does this company actually do? How do they seem to make their money?

How many employees are there on LinkedIn?

Find some of the at least moderately successful-looking employees, and describe some of

their backgrounds. What school did they go to, and what degree(s) did they get? How many years of experience do they have, and how would you describe their career trajectory?

If you find a couple of these five that seem like cool companies to work for, check LinkedIn as well as their website for jobs. Find a good starter job you might be able to apply for, and go ahead and apply. (BTW, sometimes companies state “1 or 2 years work experience”… this doesn’t mean you’re disqualified—if the rest of your resume looks good and the labor market is tight, you still send a reasonable chance).

 Among these couple of firms, do the following and briefly summarize the results: a. Look them up on GlassDoor.com (salary information and information on



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