Urgent Essay Help-Export oriented industrialization strategy

Urgent Essay Help-Export oriented industrialization strategy

Compare simultaneity the two case countries (do not evaluate each country separately) by discussing the following aspects:

What is the country terms of trade?

Discuss ratio of the total of exports to GDP. Then , total industrial exports to GDP. Compare these ratios for the two nations. The goal is to see the exports (mainly manufactured goods) achieve export-led growth?

Assess whether export of manufactured products used to substitute the export of primary products.

Does export-led growth improve the case country’s foreign-currency finances? In other words, after paying for imports are currency reserves left to support the government finances?

Is the productivity growth of export goods is higher than the proportional wage growth and the productivity growth of non-tradable goods? In this is the case, export price should decrease in the export-led growth country and exports should become more competitive in international trade.

Discuss which country had benefited more from the Export-Oriented Industrialization Strategy, in terms of boosting (i) GDP ; (ii) financing import by exported manufactured good; (iii) currencies reserves generated from exports; (iv) the increase of export of manufactured goods compared to raw materials goods; and (vi) the attractiveness of FDI operating in manufactured goods exporting sectors.

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