Urgent Essay Help-Explore different perspectives of the U.S involvement in Vietnam and how the war ultimately lead to social upheaval in America.

Urgent Essay Help-Explore different perspectives of the U.S involvement in Vietnam and how the war ultimately lead to social upheaval in America.

explore different perspectives of the U.S involvement in Vietnam and how the war ultimately lead to social upheaval in America.

Identify why the US got involved in the War (each of you will have a slightly different perspective or research findings/direction of your inquiry) and how did the US involvement in the Vietnam war heighten social tensions.

Why did so many people in the US oppose the War?

How did the American people respond to the war: in the beginning, middle, and end?

What made this war so much different than the wars of the past?

2nd Post: Take a position, pick a side…whether you fully agree or not but stay on one side of the argument!

Did the United States of America belong in the Vietnam War?

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