Urgent Essay Help-Explain in your own words issue is affecting children, families, and communities in your state.

Urgent Essay Help-Explain in your own words issue is affecting children, families, and communities in your state.

Explain in your own words  issue is affecting children, families, and communities in your state. Identify Your Strategies: List three strategies you believe would be effective in advocating for the issue you chose. For each strategy, include the specifics of how you would carry it out.

Identify the Potential Impact: For each strategy, explain its potential impact on young children and families in your community. Set a goal for implementing each strategy.

As you create your plan:Choose ideas for which you have the skill and influence to implement now or would have as an early childhood professional.

Write explanations of issues and strategies in your own words, to create a model that you could use in talking with others about the topic and encouraging others to be advocates

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