Urgent Essay Help- Evaluate the effects of fraud on the aging population and the long-term care system.

Urgent Essay Help- Evaluate the effects of fraud on the aging population and the long-term care system.

Analyze the prevalence of abuses against the aging population. Include:

A description of 3 specific types of elder abuse.

Statistics to support your claims of the prevalence (this can be  from your city, state, or nation-wide statistical data). Cite the source  used for your statistical data.

Evaluate the effects of fraud on the aging population and the long-term care system.

Consider the financial implications on individuals, organizations, and the health care system.

Analyze Elder Law Services.

How can these services help protect the rights of older adults?

Determine the role of advocacy in protecting the rights of older adults. Consider the following:

What advocacy services are available for older adults? Does everyone  have the same access to these services? Explain why or why not.

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