Urgent Essay Help-Does today’s economic and political environment promote or retard entrepreneurial efforts

Urgent Essay Help-Does today’s economic and political environment promote or retard entrepreneurial efforts

Organizations, in spite of their size and bureaucracies,  contribute to the development and use of technology. Organizations  coordinate individual efforts and skills so that these tasks can be  accomplished.

Coordination is usually accomplished through the  application of the following: bureaucratic principles, specialization,  formalization (the use of rules, regulations and SOPs), and hierarchical  authority.

Bureaucracies rely on rules, regulations, and formal methods  of management to get their employees to do what needs to be done. But  inventors need freedom, which puts them at odds with bureaucratic  procedures.

  • Who comes to mind when you think of present-day entrepreneurs?
  • Does today’s economic and political environment promote or retard entrepreneurial efforts?
  • What challenges are entrepreneurs faced with today regarding technological advancement and society?
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