Urgent Essay Help-Discuss the role of price versus non-price factors when negotiating a contract. How might the relative importance of them vary when negotiating a contract for supplies versus a contract for services?

Urgent Essay Help-Discuss the role of price versus non-price factors when negotiating a contract. How might the relative importance of them vary when negotiating a contract for supplies versus a contract for services?

A. You are the supervisor of an eight-person procurement office for a manufacturing company. You need to hire a mid-level employee to work purchasing and contracting actions for the company. What procurement- and supply management-related knowledge, skills, and abilities would you look for in someone applying for this mid-level position, and why?

B. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for a company that sources from suppliers located overseas. Which do you think make for a more compelling argument — the advantages or the disadvantages? Why?

C. Discuss the role of price versus non-price factors when negotiating a contract. How might the relative importance of them vary when negotiating a contract for supplies versus a contract for services?

D. Discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of long-term contracts from a buyer’s perspective. Now, discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of long-term contracts from a seller’s perspective.

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