Urgent Essay Help-Discuss the responsibilities of the first responding officer at the crime scene.

Urgent Essay Help-Discuss the responsibilities of the first responding officer at the crime scene.

Discuss the responsibilities of the first responding officer at the crime scene.

Describe the basics of processing a crime scene including the proper documentation and collection of collecting physical evidence.

Use materials from the text and/or any outside resources to support your response.

You may use the textbook as a source, along with personal interviews, research and scholarly academic journals, available through the online library. Follow American Psychological Association (APA) format with proper citations and references.

Write your paper in a Word document and save it in a location and with a name that you will remember. Be sure to include your name, class, and section number in your paper. Submit your assignment by selecting the  Unit 4 Assignment 1 Dropbox by the end of Unit 4.

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