Urgent Essay Help-Discuss how or if the scientific knowledge about the topic covered in the article affects you directly or indirectly.

Urgent Essay Help-Discuss how or if the scientific knowledge about the topic covered in the article affects you directly or indirectly.

select an article about medicine, invasive species, nature, conservation, genetic technology, ecology, or any other topic that is related to biology. One purpose of this assignment is to help you become aware of how biology is related to your everyday life.

discuss the ways in which this course does (or doesn’t) provide background information to help you understand the article and the larger issues surrounding it.

Discuss how or if the scientific knowledge about the topic covered in the article affects you directly or indirectly.

 State whether you think taxpayer monies should support research on this topic or whether such research in this area should be funded by the private sector. Rate the importance of research on this topic, relative to other areas of research.

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