Urgent Essay Help-Describe some of formative assessment techniques or strategies

Urgent Essay Help-Describe some of formative assessment techniques or strategies

At your field experience site, observe at least one lesson taught by a certified grade 1-8 teacher. Look for examples of formative assessment techniques and strategies used during the lesson. Make note of the questions that the teacher asks during the lesson. Note student behavior and body language before, during, and after the teacher asks questions. Ask your mentor teacher to provide you with examples of summative assessments used within the classroom that you are observing.

Discuss with your mentor teacher the considerations and criteria utilized to create summative assessments. Use this field experience to gather ideas for a summative assessment that you will create.

Describe some of formative assessment techniques or strategies that your mentor used during the lesson.

What types of questions did the teacher ask during the lesson? How did the students respond to the questions?

What types of things are taken into account when creating summative assessments? GCU format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

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