Urgent Essay Help-Define DAP, describe the benefits of DAP, and explain why you feel the use of a textbook-based curriculum may be inappropriate

Urgent Essay Help-Define DAP, describe the benefits of DAP, and explain why you feel the use of a textbook-based curriculum may be inappropriate

You are a parent who is concerned about the new state-mandated, textbook-based curriculum for kindergarten, and you are writing a letter to the school board in protest of this new policy. In your letter, define DAP, describe the benefits of DAP, and explain why you feel the use of a textbook-based curriculum may be inappropriate.

Describe potential negative effects of this curriculum and how it is developmentally inappropriate to literacy development.

Recommend an alternative approach to developing literacy skills. In your letter, use the kindergarten standards from your state and the guidelines for DAP described in the course text as well as in NAEYC resources.

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