Urgent Essay Help-Career Counseling for Clients with Addictive Behaviors
Career Counseling for Clients with Addictive Behaviors
Adjusting assessments and methodologies according to a client’s need is fundamental to the career counseling process. As you prepare for this assignment, consider the various scenarios—an individual’s level of career development and drug addiction stage—that can alter the counseling dynamic.
- in client/counselor dialogue form, the transtheoretical model of change (TTM), illustrating how you might counsel a client (NOT “John” from the text) who is in two different stages of change: one stage of change for career development (e.g., Precontemplation) and a different stage of change for dealing with drug addiction (e.g., Action).
- Apply the four principles of Motivational Interviewing in your scenario, noting how you are demonstrating them in your dialogue.
- Explain how the scenario you create effectively addresses some of the challenges of working with clients who are in different stages of change for career development and substance abuse.
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