Semester 1, 2018
Assignment 1: Individual transport modelling assignment
Total marks: 25 (25% of the unit marks)
Objectives of the assignment:
• To test students’ ability to identify and analyse data/information required for greenfield
development and transportation modelling
• To test students’ understanding in greenfield development incorporating mixed land use
and transport networks, residential subdivision, and street scheme development
• To test students’ understanding on the effects of greenfield development on
transportation network
Assignment tasks:
1. Select an undeveloped land of about 120-150 hectares either on the outskirts of the
Melbourne’s Urban Growth Boundary or just inside it. This land area is to be developed
to accommodate several thousand residents. Aspects to be considered include
topography and soil conditions, current land use and zoning, employment opportunities,
existing infrastructure and services, health and educational access, and transport
systems. Research these aspects in respect to the area to be developed and make
recommendations as to its suitability for development.
2. Define your area (in hectares) of land to be developed and estimate how many residents
the area could accommodate. The type or style of residential development including
appropriate densities in your designated new area, and the need for any specific
services or facilities should be addressed.
3. Subdivide the land area showing the residential, commercial, and any other types of land
use. Provide a schematic diagram of the development plan, including subdivision street
scheme (i.e., the road network within the area) and the types of land use and facilities.
Show how the road network connects to a nearby arterial. On a separate schematic
diagram, sketch the lot subdivisions along a road serving at least 20 lots (show the lot
sizes) showing the details of roads, roadside facilities, and access to lots.
You are allowed to work with another student from your tutorial group to work on the above
tasks #1-3 and include the same diagrams and findings in your reports. Note that all other tasks
must be done and reported individually.
4. Divide the developed area into 3-10 zones (depending on land use, use more zones if
needed) and estimate the numbers of trips produced and attracted from and to each
zone. Research and note any assumptions you make in the zoning exercise and in
estimating the trips productions and attractions. Any important zones outside the
developed area (e.g., a major shopping centre or a commercial area where the residents
of your developed area may go to) are also required to be identified.
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5. After clearly defining the zones and estimating their trips productions and attractions,
apply a gravity model to determine the trip matrix (use a maximum of three iterations).
Estimate the travel times between zones using the lengths of the links between zones
and their speed limits (report the lengths and speed limits in a tabulated form). Further
assume that the Friction factors between zones can be estimated as (120 / square of
travel time in minutes). Comment on the results obtained, including any possible actions
to be taken to improve the reliability of the results.
To ensure that your modelling results are acceptable in Victoria, you are required to consult
with the appropriate urban development and transportation planning guidelines available
in Victoria. However, you are not required to visit any council offices.
Note that this problem stated in this assignment could have many possible solutions,
depending on various assumptions and considerations made by the transport modeller (i.e.,
you). Therefore, it is important that all your assumptions and considerations are described
in details along with justifications for the assumptions and considerations. Comment o