Unit III Essay: PSY 3140, Social Psychology Essay

Unit III Essay


?  Find a popular press article or journal article in which someone argues a point that you disagree with. Write a paragraph agreeing with this person. Allow one day before moving on to the next part.

?  Make sure at least one day has passed since writing the first paragraph. Now, write another paragraphdisagreeing with the person. You will include both of these paragraphs in your essay.


PSY 3140, Social Psychology 2

? Discuss the differences between your arguments from the first paragraph (in which you agree) and the second paragraph (in which you disagree). Elaborate on whether you think that your opinion has changed on this order_title, particularly thinking about your initial thoughts on the order_title before you wrote either paragraph. In your discussion, incorporate research on cognitive dissonance from your textbook or another resource.

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