Unit 6 Research Project in Health and Social Care 

Unit 6 Research Project in HSC

Unit 6 Research Project in Health and Social Care 


This unit aims to develop learners’ skills of independent enquiry and critical analysis by

undertaking a sustained research investigation of direct relevance to their higher education

programme and professional development.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit a learner will:

1 Understand how to formulate a research specification

2 Be able to implement the research project within agreed procedures and to specification

3 Be able to evaluate the research outcomes

4 Be able to present the research outcomes.    

Unit 6 Research Project in Health and Social Care

Unit content

Understand how to formulate a research specification

Types of research: qualitative; quantitative; tools for gathering primary data eg

questionnaires, interviews; use of participants; sampling; validity; reliability eg variables and their control; resources; data storage; statistical techniques for data analysis eg distribution, statistical significance Outline specifications of possible projects: aims and objectives; rationale for selection; literature review; hypothesis or research question; methodology for data collection and analysis; possible outcomes from suggested projects Research project selection: critique of outline specifications eg scope, limitations; implications eg resources, ethical issues Key references: books; journals; internet Research project specification: aims and objectives; rationale for their selection; hypothesis or research question; justification (through literature review, skills and knowledge to be gained, resource availability including time); methodology for gathering primary data and data analysis Ethical considerations: codes of practice; relating to participants eg informed consent, confidentiality of data, right to withdraw; data storage; analysis; audience for reporting of project Plan: overall strategy and duration; tasks with target dates; presentation of results; scheduled monitoring process; recording of amendments to plan

Unit 6 Research Project in Health and Social Care

Be able to implement the research project within agreed procedures and to


Match resources: to agreed plan; terms of reference; hypothesis or research question; ethical boundaries Implementation: according to approved research plan; test for validity eg pilot research tools; estimates for reliability Data collection: selection of participants; selection of appropriate tools for data collection, eg question and questionnaire design, interview questions; systematic recording of data eg in transcripts; methodological problems eg bias, variables and their control, validity and reliability

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Be able to evaluate the research outcomes

Evaluation of outcomes: judgement of the success or failure of the planned project justified

eg in relation to research plan, aims and objectives, evidence and findings, sources of error,

validity, reliability of data collected; difficulties Data analysis and interpretation: quantitative eg using specialist software, statistical techniques; qualitative eg interpreting transcripts; sources of error; bias; comparisons; trends; additional secondary research as required; extent to which hypothesis proved or disproved or research question answered; significance of research investigation to health and social care eg benefits, furthering understanding, application of research results; limitations of the investigation; conclusion(s) Recommendations: for further development eg areas for further research, improvements, changes to practice

Unit 6 Research Project in Health and Social Care

Be able to present the research outcomes

Format: professional delivery format appropriate to the audience eg oral presentation, written report; answering questions from audience on research project; use of academic referencing.

Unit 6 Research Project in Health and Social Care

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