treatment for detoxification

2-Classmates Responses (1-28-18)

(#-1) CLASSMATE___Dar. Mam.




· Understanding Limits


A situation that I would be competent in dealing with would be a client that is using drug substance. The substance that the client is using is Methamphetamine know as crystal meth. This drug is very strong and highly addictive it effects the central, nervous system. This drug can cause the client to have violent behavior, mood swings, suicidal thoughts, anxiety and paranoia/

I would make a referral for the client to have treatment for detoxification. This treatment involves purging the physical presence of meth from the user and Therapy Treatment this will help to show the client how they can cope with the temptation to use meth and to show them how they can have more healthier Thoughts and behavior pattern without having to use meth. AS a professional my services is to make sure that the client gets the help that is needed.



My client is an African American woman who is 45 years old. She has a history of using Meth. My client says she been using meth for 20 years sometimes she uses Cocaine. For three days the client has not shower or eat. As I am talking to my client She tells me her children were taken away from her due to her addiction. If my client was to seek help for her addiction her children will be given back to her, my client has a family but due to her stealing from them to purchase more drugs they don’t want her around. The client has move from shelter to shelter and sleeping on the ground. She has been in and out of jail, but nothing has changed her. The client does not like being on drugs and that she wants her children back, so I will sit down with the client and tell her you to say you want your children back by going to a facility that will help you clean yourself up from using drug will get your children back.

Because this is out of my boundaries Section 2; Competence

2.01 Boundaries of Competence

(a) Psychologists provide services teach and conduct research with populations and in areas only within their boundaries of their competence based on their education, training, supervised experience, consultation study or professional experience.

Detox facilities take in clients when beds are open and available. Seeing my client in this state of mind emergency services are needed for her.

2;02 Providing Services in Emergencies

In an emergency when Psychologist provides services to individuals, for whom other mental health services are not available and for when Psychologist have not obtained the necessary training. A psychologist may provide such services to ensure that services are not denied. The services are discontinued as soon as the emergency ended, or appropriate services are available.



American Psychological Association. (2017). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, Including 2010 and 2016 Amendments [Web page]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


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A situation where I would be less competent when handling a patient would be if they required medication for treatment for an underlying psychiatric illness. For a case like this I would feel comfortable referring the patient to another doctor because I do not deal with any type of medication type of treatment.


For the referral I would go through all the proper channels and forms for the individual to see the psychiatrist that is in the same office building and also explain what the possibilities are of the psychiatric illness and is medication treatment is needed. While speaking with the individual about the referral, I would explain that they need more in-depth psychiatric treatment and they may need medication. Also that this is not in my area of expertise and they would be more beneficial is they continued with a psychiatrist so they can balance their illness and function better in their everyday lives.




One of the clients is a 52-year-old women, she has a history of substance abuse. She is now going through withdraws from not using for one week. As speaking with this client, she explains to me that her family has left her and does not want anything to with her because of her problem. She wants to get help and show her family that she has changed and she does not abuse narcotics anymore. She is ready to have stability back in her life.

Because I can not help with someone who is detoxing Section 2; Competence helps.

2.01 Boundaries of Competence

(a) Psychologists provide services teach and conduct research with populations and in areas only within their boundaries of their competence based on their education, training, supervised experience, consultation study or professional experience.

A detox facilities can take in clients when beds are open and available. Seeing my client in this state of mind emergency services are needed for her.

2;02 Providing Services in Emergencies

For an emergency when Psychologist provides services to individuals, and other mental health services are not available and for when Psychologist have not obtained the necessary training. A psychologist may provide such services to ensure that services are not denied. The services are discontinued as soon as the emergency ended, or appropriate services are available.



American Psychological Association. (2017). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, Including 2010 and 2016 Amendments [Web page]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)


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