Thesis Papers: What strategies could be implemented within her family, teachers, and community that would better promote Alana’s social interaction with her peers?

Thesis Papers: What strategies could be implemented within her family, teachers, and community that would better promote Alana’s social interaction with her peers?

Present your analysis of the case study below in a 2–3-page paper (approximately 1,000 words) that answers the following questions:

  1. What factors in Alana’s life are affecting her social relationships?
  2. What strategies could be implemented within her family, teachers, and community that would better promote Alana’s social interaction with her peers?
  3. How will Alana’s current socialization influence her perception of adult roles in the school and community?

Ensure you cite your answers with peer-reviewed academic sources such as your text or a peer-reviewed journal article from PsycARTICLES in the University Library. Attach a cover page to your essay analyzing

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