Thesis Papers: Examine what motivates the local workforce and the style of leadership which is prevalent in each of the countries – contrast those against what our U.S. company would utilize.

Thesis Papers: Examine what motivates the local workforce and the style of leadership which is prevalent in each of the countries – contrast those against what our U.S. company would utilize.

Propose a Human Resource Management strategy and specific organizational behaviors that are best suited for global business organizations. The due diligence analyses on the three countries chosen – Canada, South Africa and China – will wrap up in this assignment with the exploration of management decision making processes. For each of the countries, you will discuss:

· the benefits bringing the diversity of the workforce will have for your company.

· compare and contrast the various aspects of U.S. human resource management against those of each country, Cananda, South Africa and China.

· Examine what motivates the local workforce and the style of leadership which is prevalent in each of the countries – contrast those against what our U.S. company would utilize.

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