Thesis Papers: couselling, Consultation, Supervision, and Advocacy Plan

Thesis Papers: couselling, Consultation, Supervision, and Advocacy Plan

Consultation, Supervision, and Advocacy Plan


For this assignment, imagine you have been contacted by an agency in your community to provide consultation on how they might improve their services to clients. The agency is concerned that clients with serious counseling issues are “falling between the cracks” when they are referred to others in the community for intensive treatment. Furthermore, the brief aftercare they provide is not accessible enough to sufficiently support clients as they re-integrate into the community.

Using Turnitin

This assignment requires learners to utilize the Turnitin tool. The Turnitin source matching tool is available to learners via the link in the courseroom. Turnitin supports the development of your skills in preparing written coursework. Use your originality report to help ensure that you have used outside sources ethically and effectively.

· Note: When you use Turnitin, it is very important that you always submit your work as a draft, so you can make revisions before submitting it as your final work for grading. Submitting an assignment to Turnitin does not does not submit the work to the course room for evaluation. This must be done separately; look for directions at the end of the assignment instructions.

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