Term Papers: What is the motivation for participating in the learning event?

Term Papers: What is the motivation for participating in the learning event?

Instructional designers and educators realize it is important to strive to know your audience and to ascertain their needs. In this assignment, you will conduct learner analysis and needs assessments. Consider the learners you will design a unit of instruction for 7. Brown and Green provide different approaches to learner or client analysis to ensure that the instructional design is appropriate for the intended audience. Research Mager’s approach to learner analysis and needs assessment, and your target audience, then address the following in your submission:

What common traits do members of the learning group possess?

What are the differences among learners within the group?

What is the range of ability among the learners?

What is the motivation for participating in the learning event?

Do the learners have non-instructional needs (rest, food, safety) that must be met so that they may focus on the instructional activity?

What will make the instruction effective, efficient, and appealing for the target audience of learners?

How has the instructional designer or design team planned for the accommodation of culturally and physically diverse learners?

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