Term Papers: What computer flaw did Wannacry take advantage of? Has it since been patched? What was Microsoft’s response to the attack? Address key takeaways from the NAO’s report

Term Papers: What computer flaw did Wannacry take advantage of? Has it since been patched? What was Microsoft’s response to the attack? Address key takeaways from the NAO’s report

A Little Over A Year Ago One Of The Worlds Worst Ransomware Attacks Hit The United Kingdom National Health Service (NHS), FedEx, Honda, And Many Other Organizations Throughout The World. NHS Was Hit The Hardest With Many Ystems Within The Health Service

NHS was hit the hardest with many ystems within the health service impacted to include MRI scanners, blood storage systems, and computers.  A year later many third party Cybersecurity think tanks and companies have attributed the ransomware to a specific nation state.

Using various resources including the United Kingdom National Audit Office’s recent report (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Write a 3 page paper on the following:

  1. What is Wannacry?
  2. Are there still remnants in the wild?
  3. Who has Wannacry been attributed to?
  4. What can be done to prevent such an attack?
  5. What computer flaw did Wannacry take advantage of? Has it since been patched?
  6. What was Microsoft’s response to the attack?
  7. Address key takeaways from the NAO’s report

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