Term Papers: Understanding positive relationships and sup­portive interactions as the foundation of your work with children [NAEYC 4a]

Term Papers: Understanding positive relationships and sup­portive interactions as the foundation of your work with children [NAEYC 4a]

Knowing and understanding young children’s characteristics and needs.  [NAEYC Standard 1a]

Using developmental knowledge to create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging learning environments [NAEYC Standard 1c]

Knowing about and using observation, docu­mentation, and other appropriate assessment tools and approaches. [NAEYC Standard 3c]

Understanding positive relationships and sup­portive interactions as the foundation of your work with children [NAEYC 4a]

Knowing about and upholding ethical standards and other professional guidelines [NAEYC Standard 6b]

Mastering and applying foundational concepts from general education [NAEYC Supportive Skill 2]

Written and verbal skills [NAEYC Supportive Skill 3]

Making connections between prior knowledgeable/experience and new learning [NAEYC Supportive Skill 4]

Course Competency: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 12

For this assignment, you will observe a child between the ages of birth and 8 years for 3-4 clock hours in a natural setting.  Observations will be for a minimum of 4-clock hours. The ideal situation is to do this assignment in no more than 2 clock hour increments for a minimum of 2 separate visits over a 3 week period of time; however, this is not always possible. It is more important to complete the minimum of 4-clock hours for the observation.

During your observation of the child you will:

Focus on 3 of the child’s developmental areas – physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development and record objective anecdotal notes based on facts of what you see, not your opinion or interpretation.

Your objective anecdotal observation notes will include:

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