Term Papers: Under what circumstances, and in what enterprises, would a risk assessment be more useful than a security vulnerability assessment?

Term Papers: Under what circumstances, and in what enterprises, would a risk assessment be more useful than a security vulnerability assessment?

Risk Assessments and SVAs

While risk assessments and security vulnerability assessments (SVAs) are similar, they have many differences. Where possible, a security vulnerability assessment would be helpful. This is the case when a risk that is being assessed can be replicated and measured. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to replicate and measure certain risks. The events leading up to the collapse of the World Trade Center’s Towers on September 11, 2001, is a risk that could not have been subject to a reliable security vulnerability assessment.

Respond to the following:

2. (a) Under what circumstances, and in what enterprises, would a risk assessment be more useful than a security vulnerability assessment?

(b)Under what circumstances, and in what enterprises, would a security vulnerability assessment be more useful than a risk assessment?

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