Term Papers: Term Papers: Intervention description—describe the detailed implementation of the intervention selected

Term Papers: Intervention description—describe the detailed implementation of the intervention selected

Goal: Increase and practice ability to manage anger:

Objectives: (pick one or two) These will be used to write your evaluation section, so the more measurable the better. SMART objectives are explained in another file under Course Materials

-In the next 2 weeks, the Client is able to walk away from situations that trigger strong emotions as measured by a client observation checklist 100% of the time.

-During the next 30 days, the client will be 90% free of tantrums/explosive episodes measured by self report and client incident sheet documentation.

-In the next week the client will learn two positive anger management skills and be able to discuss these with the therapist 100% of the time when asked.

Intervention description—describe the detailed implementation of the intervention selected

3 Intervention skills describe 3 intervention skills used based on the intervention selected (in TF CBT, for example, you might pick a relaxation exercise, trauma narrative and cognitive challenging).

Intervention strengths and weaknesses what are the benefits (=strengths) or not (= weaknesses of using this intervention with the client?

Theory behind the intervention what is the theory behind the intervention—who researched it for clients like yours and what are the results of these studies? This section can be moved toward the beginning of the section if that helps. Please cite your references and add a reference list at the end.

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