Term Papers: Strategic Business Plan

Term Papers: Strategic Business Plan

Graduate Level

Assignment Overview

Type: Individual Project
Unit:  Information Technology Strategy Development
Due Date:  Wed, 8/1/18
Grading Type: Numeric
Points Possible:  150
Points Earned: 
Deliverable Length:  4–5 pages of new material
View objectives for this assignment

  • Strategic Business Plan (Week 4 IP)
    • See the section for New Content below.

All sources should be cited using in-text references and in the References section using APA format.

New Content

Your company has decided to move forward with the acquisition of the smaller company as described in the Phase 1 Individual Project. Your company was impressed with the information that you provided about Porter’s five factors and your qualitative evaluation of the industry’s strategic position. Your management has now asked you to create a Strategic Business Plan for the newly acquired company. You must provide this new plan and incorporate the information about Porter’s five factors.

Your Strategic Business Plan should include the following features:

  • Executive summary
  • Marketing analysis
    • You should identify a target market.
    • You should establish a strategy for acquiring a customer base.
  • Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis
  • Financial statements
  • Summary of the relevance of Porter’s five factors
  • Conclusion
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