Term Papers: Research in health psychology finds that most people live stress-free on a regular basis, and those who encounter daily stress are more likely to develop medical and psychological problems.

Term Papers: Research in health psychology finds that most people live stress-free on a regular basis, and those who encounter daily stress are more likely to develop medical and psychological problems.

Read each statement and elaborate or discuss these statements in a detailed form based upon your knowledge from the textbook and/or lecture notes and internet

1. Stress is the process of responding physically, emotionally, cognitively, and behaviorally to events that are perceived to be threatening or challenging.

2. Research in health psychology finds that most people live stress-free on a regular basis, and those who encounter daily stress are more likely to develop medical and psychological problems.

3. Research into the amount of stress that people generally experience suggests that even small amounts of stress inhibit our best performance, and that zero stress is optimal for promoting health and well-being.

4. Hurricane Katrina and its various effects on the cities near the Gulf of Mexico are classic examples of what Selye calls hassles.

5. Studies conducted on the relationship between stress and accidents in the workplace have shown that people under a lot of stress tend to be more distracted, less cautious, and therefore, place themselves at a greater risk for having an accident.

6. According to Holmes and Rahe’s Social Readjustment Rating Scale, going on vacation is about as stressful as changing to a different line of work.

7. People who talk about suicide just want attention and won’t really follow through with it.

8. Hassles are correlated with increased short-term illnesses such as colds, backaches, and headaches.

9. Traffic jams are an example of an internal source of frustration.

10. Dropping out of school, engaging in fantasy, and using drugs are all examples of withdrawal from frustration.

11. Once seated at his favorite restaurant, Malik was torn between ordering a turkey sandwich and ordering a plate of lasagna. He loves both equally, and is struggling to make a choice. Malik is experiencing an avoidance-avoidance conflict.

12. When the body’s resources are gone, the parasympathetic nervous system activates and the individual is in the resistance stage of the general adaptation syndrome.

13. Research reveals that there is a relationship between prolonged stress and certain diseases of adaptation such as high blood pressure and ulcers.

14. The field of psychoneuroimmunology studies the effects of psychological factors such as stress, emotions, thinking, and behavior on the immune system.

15. Because AIDS is caused by a virus (HIV), psychoneuroimmunologists have determined that there is no relationship between stress and AIDS.

16. The primary concern of a health psychologist is focusing on how various factors, including physical activities, psychological traits, and social relationships, affect our overall health and rate of illnesses.

17. Secondary appraisal involves classifying the stressor as a threat or challenge.

18. Type B personality is characterized by competitiveness, high ambition, hostility, and irritability.

19. Because Markita has difficulty expressing her emotions, even when they are really bothering her, she would be described as having a Type C personality.

One of the more serious effects of workplace stress is a condition called burnout.

20. Guillermo has recently moved to the United States, but has decided to live in a part of Chicago that is very similar to his native Philippines. He does not embrace or involve himself in American culture any more than is absolutely necessary. Guillermo is experiencing marginalization from the majority culture of his new home.


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