Term Papers: psychological defense mechanism in which the person invents acceptable excuses for unacceptable behavior

Term Papers: psychological defense mechanism in which the person invents acceptable excuses for unacceptable behavior

Knowing Key Terms 

Fill in the blanks from the crossword puzzle above using key terms from the textbook and/or lecture notes.


4. negative changes in thoughts, emotions, and behavior as a result of prolonged stress or frustration.-     

6. psychological experience of being pulled toward or drawn to two or more desires or goals, only one of which may be attained.-     

8. psychological defense mechanism in which emotional reactions and behavioral responses are shifted to targets that are more available or less threatening than the original target.-     

10. people who expect positive outcomes.-     

12. leaving the presence of a stressor, either literally or by a psychological withdrawal into fantasy, drug abuse, or apathy.-     

17. psychological defense mechanism in which the person invents acceptable excuses for unacceptable behavior.-     

19. events that cause a stress reaction.-     

20. psychological defense mechanism in which unacceptable or threatening impulses or feelings are seen as originating with someone else, usually the target of the impulses or feelings.-     

21. psychological defense mechanism in which the person refuses to consciously remember a threatening or unacceptable event, instead pushing those events into the unconscious mind.-     

24. an unpredictable, large-scale event that creates a tremendous need to adapt and adjust as well as overwhelming feelings of threat.-     


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