Term Papers: Module Chapter 14 Discussion Assignment 

Term Papers: Module Chapter 14 Discussion Assignment

Module Chapter 14 Discussion Assignment

One form of social influence is obedience, which involves “going along with direct commands, usually from someone in a position of authority” (Huffman & Sanderson, 2014, p. 406). The following video clips are replications of Milgrams’ study on obedience and Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison experiment. After viewing, answer the discussion questions.

100 words, substantive, and expand the discussion here is the students response

To most of us we know that obedience means going along with direct commands, usually from someone in position or authority for example; at least most of us in life have obeyed our parents or guardians. I believe that obedience comes from a place of trust and a place of respect. Unless one is self employed most of us have bosses and when told to perform a task at work we immediately do it because of respect right? So in my opinion I think the teachers in Milgram’s study obeyed because 1.it was claimed to be an experiment and if I was in their shoes am sure in the back of my head I would think it is not as serious since it was not claimed to be the “actual thing” so my moral guards will be down in the beginning but as I go on with the experiment, it would be natural to question the act but because I signed up for this I would fear to ask to leave the experiment plus if I question milgram and he assured me that it’s okay and I should keep going then I think it would be automatic for me to finish what I started.

The four factors that influence obedience according to Milgram is; Legitimacy and closeness of the authority figure, remoteness of the victim,assignment of responsibility, and modeling or imitation of others.

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