Term Papers: Module 3: Cultural Encapsulation & Privilege

Term Papers: Module 3: Cultural Encapsulation & Privilege

Module 3: Cultural Encapsulation & Privilege

Question That Is Answerable By Any College-Level Philosophy Student

The time for all Gordon Rule essays is limited to one (1) hour. Once you open the essay you must complete it within the one 1 hour time frame.
The prompt is not necessarily based upon the readings but is a question that is answerable by any college-level philosophy student. The answers should be between 3 and 5 paragraphs in length.

In this assignment, you will begin preparing for your Psychology Research Paper, due in Week 4.

Choose a topic from the Research Topic List that is relevant, current, newsworthy, and has mass appeal.

Create an outline of the main points, I., II., III., etc., and subpoints, A., B., C., etc. Model your outline to the one shown on page 3 of the Sample Outlinedocument.

Include APA-formatted citations of the scholarly sources you plan to use:

  • Put an in-text citation next to a main point or subpoint, as necessary.
  • Include a list of source citations below the outline.

Submit your completed assignment as a Word document.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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