Term Papers: Masters Thesis Proposal Outline

Term Papers: Masters Thesis Proposal Outline

Masters Thesis Proposal 


· The abstract is a brief summary of your thesis proposal

· Length should not exceed 200 words


· This section sets the context for your proposed project and must capture the reader’s interest

· Explain the background of your study starting from a broad picture narrowing in your research question

· Review what is known about your research topic as far as it is relevant to your thesis

· Cite relevant references

· What is the general topic area?

· Why this topic is relevant/important?

· What is the specific scope of your research interest?

Literature Review

· The literature review should be a well-organized overview of the research most closely related to your work

· This might likely include the dominant debuts, theoretical approaches, methodological research designs that have been used to understand your topic

· You are trying to demonstrate two things:

· You are familiar with the research that has been done in this area and can explain to fellow scientists who might be familiar with this specific literature

· You have found a gap in the literature… something that has not been well researched (or not been researched utilizing a certain theoretical prospective or methodological design)

Research Questions

· A concise formulation of your specific research question/s


· This section contains an overall description of your approach, materials, and procedures

· What methods will be used?

· How will data be collected and analyzed?

· What materials will be used?

· Include calculations, technique, procedure, equipment

· How will you get access?

· How many cases will you include?

· Describe how the cases will be selected (random, etc)

· Other considerations specific to your research

· Detail limitations assumptions, and range of validity

· Do not include results and discussion of results here

Work Plan including Time Table

· Describe in detail what you plan to do until completion of this project

· List the stages of your project in a table format

· Indicate deadlines you have set for completing each stage of the project, including any work you have already completed.

· Discuss any particular challenged that need to be overcome

· Use a gantt chart to format your time table


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