Term papers: Leadership and theoretical perspective

Term papers: Leadership and theoretical perspective

· Group Structure and Management

 professional literature to plan the structure and management of a  group. With support from scholarly literature, present the following:

· Group goal and objectives: Provide a general statement of the desired outcome for group members. List three to five measurable group objectives aligned with the primary group goal and session activities to effectively evaluate group progress.

· Group format: Based on your selected group topic and population, discuss appropriate steps to recruit, screen, and select group members. Describe considerations in the group formation stage, including composition and size, frequency and duration, and open or closed membership.

· Leadership and theoretical perspective: Identify your therapeutic and leadership style. Will the group be led by a single leader or co-leaders? Specify if you plan to apply an integrative approach and techniques that might be appropriate for the selected population.

· Ethical practice: Incorporating ASGW and ACA professional standards, describe ethical and legal considerations in group counseling. For example, how do you plan to address voluntary participation and parameters of confidentiality? How will diversity be integrated into the planning and structure for the group?

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