Term Papers: In communications family therapy, resistance and symptoms were treated with a variety of paradoxical techniques, known as therapeutic double-binds. Define and give an illustration of a therapeutic double-bind. Why were they considered so powerful?

Term Papers: In communications family therapy, resistance and symptoms were treated with a variety of paradoxical techniques, known as therapeutic double-binds. Define and give an illustration of a therapeutic double-bind. Why were they considered so powerful?

Your assignment must illustrate knowledge of the concepts through an original personal and/or professional integration of the text material. All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and must be written at graduate level English. The content, conciseness, and clarity of your answers will be considered in the evaluation of your work.

You must integrate the material presented in the text in your own understanding, and cite your work according to APA format. Legal and ethical issues, and issues of culture and diversity must be addressed in context to the question presented.

Your responses should be approx. ½  page per question.

The entire assignment must be 3-4 pages total plus a title and reference page.

In communications family therapy, resistance and symptoms were treated with a variety of paradoxical techniques, known as therapeutic double-binds. Define and give an illustration of a therapeutic double-bind. Why were they considered so powerful?

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