Term Papers: Identify what stage the child is at in the area of cognitive development – based upon theories & stages of development

Term Papers: Identify what stage the child is at in the area of cognitive development – based upon theories & stages of development

you will create a 3 page computer generated report that summarizes your findings.  In your report you will:

  1. Identify why you chose this specific child.
  2. Identify what stage the child is at in the area of physical development – based upon theories & stages of development.
  3. Provide at least 2 examples [from your objective observation notes] to support your findings
  4. Identify what stage the child is at in the area of cognitive development – based upon theories & stages of development
  5. Provide at least 2 examples [from your objective observation notes] to support your findings
  6. Identify what stage the child is at in the area of socio-emotional development – based upon theories & stages of development
  7. Provide at least 2 examples [from your objective observation notes] to support your findings
  8. Write a brief summary explaining how you will use what you have learned in your work with young children in support of each of the three area of development.
  9. Provide a computer generated copy of your objective anecdotal notes & all information included in the above description of your notes
  10. Thoroughly explain how the new information you gathered supports ethical responsibilities to children as noted in NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Conduct. Research and select one specific ideal or principle to reflect on: www.naeyc.org/positionstatements/ethical_conduct.

Child Observation Assignment – Sample Write-up Format

Below I have included a sample format that you can use when writing your Child Observation paper:


*summary of child (age, sex)

*dates and times of observations

*settings of observations and people present

*why you selected this particular child

Summary of Child’s Physical Development:

*behaviors / characteristics observed

*identify stages of development – ex. “typical” developmental milestones at this age for fine and gross motor skills

*provide 2 specific examples (from anecdotal notes) to support each stage of development or connection to a specific theory

Summary of Child’s Cognitive Development:

*behaviors / characteristics observed

*identify specific theories / stages of development (ex. Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory, Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory, Information-processing Theory, etc.)

*provide 2 specific examples (from anecdotal notes) to support each theory / stage chosen

Summary of Child’s Socioemotional Development:

*behavior / characteristics observed

*identify specific theories / stages of development (ex. Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory, Freud’s Psychosexual Theory)

*provide 2 specific examples (from anecdotal notes) to support each theory / stage chosen


*An explanation of how the information that you gathered about physical development can be applied to your work with young children

* An explanation of how the information that you gathered about cognitive development can be applied to your work with young children

* An explanation of how the information that you gathered about socioemotional development can be applied to your work with young children

*Thoroughly explain how the information you gathered supports ethical responsibilities to children as noted in NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Conduct.  Select one specific ‘Ideal’ or ‘Principle’ to reflect on.

Anecdotal Notes:

*Remember, you need a total of 30 (10 for each domain) attached to the end of your paper


8:05, 11/10/17, Child Care Center (Socioemotional Development)

When Sarah’s mother dropped her off at child care, Sarah cried and reached for her mother when she was walking out the door.

10:30, 11/10/17, Child Care Center (Cognitive Development)

While playing with Sarah, Miss Jane hid the stuffed teddy bear under the blanket.  Sarah did not look for it.

11:45, 11/10/17, Child Care Center (Physical Development)

Sarah sits without adult support.

*Remember, anecdotal notes are objective.  They are based only on facts of what you see, not your interpretation.

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