Term papers: How would you define Family rules, and why is it important when working with children and adolescents?

Term papers: How would you define Family rules, and why is it important when working with children and adolescents?

Key Elements of Family Counseling and Cultural Factors

Based on this unit’s readings, define the following key elements of family systems theories. Then, compare how they might be expressed in families from two different cultures, with specific examples:

· Boundaries: What are they, and why are they important?

· Symptom maintenance: What is symptom maintenance, and why is it important to consider in counseling children?

· Attribution of meaning: What is meant by attributing meaning to a child’s or an adolescent’s behavior?

How would you define Family rules, and why is it important when working with children and adolescents?

Use APA style to cite and reference at least two sources from this Unit’s assigned readings.

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