Term Papers: How is it supportive to the families of people with substance abuse issues?

Term Papers: How is it supportive to the families of people with substance abuse issues?

Assignment 2

Topic and Rationale

The topic and rationale includes a detailed description of the client population you have chosen and examines the impact of substance abuse, addiction, recovery, and relapse on this client population, using two to three peer-reviewed journal articles.

Unit 2 Discussion 1

Local Substance Abuse

Base your response to the following discussion topic on the chapters you read in the Doweiko text, Concepts of Chemical Dependency.

Much of the data reported on the effect of substance abuse is on a national scale. However, the most effective responses to the substance abuse problem occur on a local level. Investigate and report on the nature and extent of substance abuse in your own state or community and compare it to that reported nationally. How is it supportive to the families of people with substance abuse issues? Visit the National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors Web site for a link to each state’s substance abuse agency.


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