Term papers: How do your cultural and religious beliefs affect your attitude toward mental health treatment?

Term papers: How do your cultural and religious beliefs affect your attitude toward mental health treatment?

1. What other disorders can you think of that might benefit from virtual reality psychotherapy?

2. Can you think of any disadvantages to this method of therapy?

How do your cultural and religious beliefs affect your attitude toward mental health treatment? (credit “top-left”: modification of work by Staffan Scherz; credit “top-left-middle”: modification of work by Alejandra Quintero Sinisterra; credit “top-right-middle”: modification of work by Pedro Ribeiro Simões; credit “top-right”: modification of work by Agustin Ruiz; credit “bottom-left”: modification of work by Czech Provincial Reconstruction Team; credit “bottom-left-middle”: modification of work by Arian Zwegers; credit “bottom-right-middle”: modification of work by “Wonderlane”/Flickr; credit “bottom-right”: modification of work by Shiraz Chanawala)

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