Term Papers: Focus on 3 of the child’s developmental areas – physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development and record objective anecdotal notes based on facts of what you see

Term Papers: Focus on 3 of the child’s developmental areas – physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development and record objective anecdotal notes based on facts of what you see

Competency: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 12

For this assignment, you will observe a child between the ages of birth and 8 years for 3-4 clock hours in a natural setting.  Observations will be for a minimum of 4-clock hours. The ideal situation is to do this assignment in no more than 2 clock hour increments for a minimum of 2 separate visits over a 3 week period of time; however, this is not always possible. It is more important to complete the minimum of 4-clock hours for the observation.

During your observation of the child you will:

Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

ü  At least 10 objective anecdotal notes for each of the 3 developmental areas (a total of 30)

ü  The date of each observation

ü  A description of the behavior

ü  A description of the environment – including what adults and children were present

ü  Your 30 observation anecdotal notes will need to be typed and submitted with your written report

Sample anecdotal notes:

8:05 a.m., 4/11/12, Child Care Center (Socio-emotional Development)

When Sarah’s mother dropped her off at child care, Sarah cried and reached for her mother when she was walking out the door.

10:30 a.m., 4/11/12, Child Care Center (Cognitive Development)

While playing with Sarah, Miss Jane hid the stuffed teddy bear under the blanket. Sarah did not look for it.

1:45 p.m., 4/11/12, Child Care Center (Physical Development)

Sarah sits without the adult support of her primary caregiver, Miss Judy.

ü  Complete the Child Observation Documentation Form including appropriate signatures. Turn in the Documentation Form with this assignment. Note: you must have both a written signature with a printed name of a parent, director, or site teacher to verify your observation. If you have any questions, ask your instructor.


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