Term Papers: Explain which component would be responsible for the project after the original project’s construction. Why?

Term Papers: Explain which component would be responsible for the project after the original project’s construction. Why?

Two years after the Greenwood Development Corporation opened its original small industrial park, it returned to the local land-use planning officials. It sought permits for a project about 10 times the size of the original.

This new project included factories and massive shipping outlets, which would involve truck traffic over the new interstate highway exchange.

This traffic would be many times the rate represented by Greenwood in its federal EIS and its negotiations with the FHA during its original project. Despite that no new federal action would be required, the town officials petitioned the FHA to require a new EIS.

Based on the above information, answer the following questions:

On what grounds could the FHA require a new EIS?

Should it do so?

Explain which component would be responsible for the project after the original project’s construction. Why?

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