Term papers: Evaluate pregroup screening, composition, and group format.

Term papers: Evaluate pregroup screening, composition, and group format.

Groups for Children

Review the group proposal for children who have been abused, described on pages 345–351 of your text. Incorporate concepts from your text and Hiller, Springer, Misurell, Kranzler, and Rizvi’s 2016 research to assess the inclusion of developmental stages and therapeutic factors. Evaluate pregroup screening, composition, and group format. Identify and apply ACA and ASGW ethical principles for clinical practice pertinent to this proposal. What might be signs that this group would be contraindicated for a particular child?


· Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

· Ethics and Professional Standards.

· Predictors of Group Treatment Outcomes for Child Sexual Abuse.

· Association for Specialists in Group Work.

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