Term Papers: Early childhood lead exposure and academic achievement

Term Papers: Early childhood lead exposure and academic achievement

Public Health

 Write a short summary addressing the points in the article critique outline.  This summary can be as simple as a numbered list thoroughly addressing each question in the article critique outline. 

attached are the questions for the critique online and the

  •    Write a short summary addressing the points in the article critique outline.  This summary can be as simple as a numbered list thoroughly addressing each question in the article critique outline.


    Second, please refer to the article critique outline below. Write a short summary addressing the points in the article critique outline. This summary can be as simple as a numbered list thoroughly addressing each question in the article critique outline.

    1) Zhang et al. “Early childhood lead exposure and academic achievement: evidence from Detroit Public Schools, 2008-2010.” AJPH 2013;103:e72-e77.

    Example of logistic regression for adjusted analysis.

    Critique outline (adapted from an outline originally developed by Richard Monson of Harvard School of Public Health):

    Note that information bias is essentially interchangeable with misclassification bias.

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