Term Papers: Does Sharia law influence arbitration in Saudi Arabia? If so, how does arbitration get influenced by Sharia Law?

Term Papers: Does Sharia law influence arbitration in Saudi Arabia? If so, how does arbitration get influenced by Sharia Law?

comparison of arbitration law in Saudi Arabia to the arbitration law and process used in United State.


1-What law is generally applicable to arbitration in Saudi Arabia? Is there a law similar to the United State Federal Arbitration Act (FAA)? Are there local rules for arbitration that may or may not apply on a national basis? How does this compare to the system in the United State where both federal and state laws apply to arbitration?


2- How are arbitration chosen under Saudi law? How does this compare to the method used in the United State? Are arbitration in Saudi Arabia chosen by the partied, the Court or government?


3- Does Sharia law influence arbitration in Saudi Arabia? If so, how does arbitration get influenced by Sharia Law?

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