Term Papers: Do you think that your personality is stable and not likely to change?  Alternatively, do you think that your personality may adapt and change over time and circumstances? 

Term Papers: Do you think that your personality is stable and not likely to change?  Alternatively, do you think that your personality may adapt and change over time and circumstances?

Intro to PSY Discussion question

Intro to Psychology (PSY 105)

Week 4 Discussion Question

Do you think that your personality is stable and not likely to change?  Alternatively, do you think that your personality may adapt and change over time and circumstances?  Review this article: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2016/06/24/481859662/invisibilia-is-your-personality-fixed-or-can-you-change-who-you-are Pick one – EITHER stability OR change and provide a rationale for your decision.

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