Term Papers: Discuss why a stakeholder may not provide valid (accurate) information to a program evaluator.

Term Papers: Discuss why a stakeholder may not provide valid (accurate) information to a program evaluator.

1. Provide a summary of the program evaluation and identify at least five stakeholder groups of the program being evaluated.

Mutual categories of program assessments are needed because assessments seek to classify and measure the level of unmet needs with an organization or community. (Posavac, 2016) The second process of program evaluation is having assessments document the extent to which operation has taken place, the nature of the people being served, and the degree to which the program operates as expected. (Posavac, 2016) The third part of assessing outcomes include evaluating assess variations due to program participation. The final part in program evaluating is being able to efficient with evaluations that conduct any type of cost analysis.

2. Discuss why a stakeholder may not provide valid (accurate) information to a program evaluator.

A shareholder is personally involved with the program, derives income from it, sponsors it, or is clients or potential recipients of its services. (Posavac, 2016) Since stakeholders each have a stake in the success of the program, each for a different reason. Since each stakeholder have different reasons as to why they want success, there is going be fabrications of information because stake holder do not want to be viewed as a bad guy.

3. How might an evaluator determine if stakeholder information is valid and what steps can an evaluator take to increase the probability of obtaining valid information?

The evaluator would use an assessment such as a survey. For example, juvenile determent programs, the evaluator would use the survey, after that the evaluator of the would look at the program retention rate and a short window of what happened to the juvenile after completing the determent program. The program evaluator would look at the average amount of time juveniles took to complete the program requirements to be exited out of the program. Percentage of juveniles who do not reoffend within three months of exiting a determent juvenile program.

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